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Don’t Let Halloween Become a Shared Custody Nightmare


When drafting their custody agreements, many parents overlook Halloween. For children; however, Halloween can be a favorite holiday.

At Percy Law Group, PC, we’ve put together some tips that can make the spooky season enjoyable for families, even after a recent divorce.


If the situation allows, families should enjoy Halloween festivities together. Your child will appreciate the effort and the quality time, and sharing holidays can help normalize the new dynamics of your family. In this situation, neither you, nor your ex will have to feel like they are missing out.

If sharing the holiday together isn’t possible, parents can “tag-team” trick-or-treating throughout the night. Switching chaperones may also ensure that both parents get to go to holiday parties or other events they may have planned.


Many families choose to alternate Halloween, much like they do other holidays. If one parent gets the joys of Halloween 2019, the other parent can look forward to 2020.

But just because one parent is in charge of trick-or-treating doesn’t mean that the other parent needs to be left out of Halloween activities altogether.

Split Activities

If you get to go trick-or-treating with your child, allow your ex to go costume shopping with your son or daughter – and vice versa. This way, everyone gets a part of the fun. Activities like carving pumpkins and Halloween parties can happen in both households – just check in with your little one to make sure they’re not feeling overwhelmed.

No Surprises

Halloween is about your children, not you. If you are planning on introducing a new partner, save the surprise for another day. Even if there’s an argument brewing with your former spouse, be sure to handle it before or after All Hallow’s Eve – planning a pre-holiday meeting can make all the difference.

Agree Ahead of Time

Parents may have different opinions on candy consumption and age-appropriate costumes. Halloween is not the best time to air these differences. Instead, have a pre-Halloween meeting and discuss what you each feel is appropriate. Hopefully, you can come to an agreement before the big day.


If you cannot come to an agreement about Halloween and your initial parenting plan or custody agreement is not offering a solution, our family law attorneys and mediation lawyers may be able to help.

At Percy Law Group, PC, we have a reputation for compassion and want to help you achieve what is best for your family with as much ease as possible.

For legal help, call us today at (508) 206-9900 or schedule a free consultation online.
