Recent Firm News
Thomas J. Percy was awarded Affiliate of the Year honors for the second straight year by the South Eastern Massachusetts Association of Realtors for his and the firm’s outstanding efforts to support and assist the membership and advance the organization's many positive goals in our community.
Tom Percy has been appointed to Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors of the Greater Attleboro Taunton United Way. This is for a two year term.
Tom Percy has been elected to the Board of Directors to the Taunton Business Improvement District.
Thomas J. Percy has been elected to the Board of Directors to the Taunton Business Improvement District. "The health and vitality of downtown Taunton is vitally important to the entire southeastern Massachusetts region, and this organization works to help promote that effort", Attorney Percy stated.
Diane M. Sunderland, Esq. Elected to Taunton Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors
Diane M. Sunderland appointed to the Board of Directors of the Boys and Girls Club Taunton. "The Boys and Girls Club is an important part of the structure of this community. I feel privileged to help out such a worthy organization", stated Attorney Sunderland.
Thomas J. Percy appointed to United Way of Attleboro/Taunton Board of Directors
Taunton, MA: Attorney Thomas J. Percy of Percy Law Group, PC, was appointed to the Board of Directors of the United Way of Attleboro Taunton. "There are so many people in need in this community who would be left destitute but for the heroic efforts of the United Way and its member agencies; I am honored to do my small part to help them do their vital and unending work", stated Attorney Percy. He was also elected to a two year term as Treasurer of the United Way."
Percy Law Group, PC wins Hubert H. Humphrey Humanitarian Business Award
Citizens for Citizens, Inc., a Massachusetts based charity recently announced that they have given the Hubert H. Humphrey Humanitarian Business Award to Percy Law Group, PC, a regional Massachusetts based law firm, for their continued support of the organization's charitable mission. At the award ceremony, held in Somerset, Massachusetts, its Executive Director spoke of "the law firm's longstanding generosity and concern for the children, elderly and less fortunate" in our community. Attorney Thomas Percy was present to accept the award.

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Serving Boston, MA Since 1987